St. George Sunrise Rotary Club

Non-Profit OrganizationsYoung Professional
About Us
Rotary International is the largest, non-denominational service organization in the World!
Motto: Service Above Self
Mission: To provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
The Rotary Club of Dixie Sunrise was chartered in September 1996. They celebrated their 20th Anniversary this year of providing service to our local community as well as internationally. Some of their local service projects are: backpacks and clothing for homeless children, Christmas gift bags for Seniors, preparing meals for Switchpoint, and supporting Search and Rescue through Ironman. Internationally, they have joined with other St. George Rotary clubs to provide clean water for school children in Mexico and to build homes in Mexico.