Richens Eye Center

Ophthalmologists & Optometrists
Hours: M-Th 8-5:00pm
Friday 8-12:00pm
Driving Directions:
Located in Beautiful Downtown Saint George between The St. George Catholic Church and The Brigham Young Home, just north of Saint George Boulevard
About Us
The Revolution in LASER CATARACT SURGERY begins...Right Here, Right Now! Richens Eye Center is the First & Most Qualified Practice in Southern Utah offering this new breakthrough technology for our cataract patients. In addition, we have the most technologically advanced multi-focal lenses for near, mid and distance and/or for astigmatism.
Our goal is education paired with state-of the art facilities and equipment. Therefore we introduced the KAMRA inlay to Southern Utah and surrounding areas, as the first and only practice preforming this procedure for near-vision correction. Our quest for excellence also facilitated blade-free iLASIK and ICL (implantable collomer lens) options.
Having trouble with your vision? It’s time to start seeing your future more clearly, today!
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