HearSee, 501 (c) 3 non-profit

Non-Profit Organizations
About Us
What we do: Hearsee builds RFID solutions for Autonomy. They came to the realization the same technology could be used to improve the lives and mobility of the Visually Impaired. They create technology to improve people's lives. They Build RFID Pathways which are interpreted by RFID readers and software, which translates the RFID data into clear audio information. This gives precise location, directions, addresses, office numbers and more to the visually impaired. This will broaden their horizons. It will offer them the freedom of mobility that most take for granted. How it Works: RFID Tags are placed along the pathways that people take every day. i.e. sidewalks, hallways, subway stations, Office buildings and Hospitals. These tags communicate with an RFID reader which is built into Guide Canes or attached to the user by other mechanisms. The RFID reader communicates with an earpiece wirelessly giving accurate directions, addresses, office numbers etc.