St. George City Council Candidate Forum
SGACC in partnership with the Utah Tech University Institute of Politics, and supported by Cache Valley Bank, is thrilled to host a St. George City Council Candidate forum on August 10th, 2023.
This open house forum offers an opportunity for the 16 candidates vying for 3 open city council seats to interact with members of the business community and the general public in a meet and greet setting. Candidates will be given 2 minutes each to address attendants on their platform, vision, and plans for office. This format ensures that all candidates have an equal chance to showcase their ideas and policies before the September 5th primary election. Additional refreshments and seating are provided thanks to the support of Cache Valley Bank!
SGACC firmly believes that a well-informed community fosters a thriving democracy. Local elections shape the future from the ground up, it is crucial for citizens and the business community to become engaged. The Chamber is proud to host events, provide
a platform for ideas, and build consensus around local issues in service to the business
Candidate Forum will be live-streamed at the link below:

Date and Time
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM MDT
August 10th, 2023
6 - 8 PM
Utah Tech University Gardner Center Ballroom
225 S University Avenue
St. George, UT 84770
Free of charge
Please register so we can plan for seating