SBA Small Business Resource Roadshow
SBA Small Business Resource Roadshow
10:00 – 1:30 (with Bonus Go Global workshop at 8:00 am)
8:00 Going Global
Workshop by WTC and US Department of Commerce
- WTC Present (60 min)
- 1) Gain access to federal funding to increase your exports;
- 2) Understand STEP Grant eligibility;
- 3) Learn about the activities that you can participate in to increase your product exports
- Department of Commerce International Services (20 min)
9:30 Resource Table Set-up, and Registration
- Set up: 9:30-9:45
- Registration: 9:45
10:05 Welcome (5 minutes) - STG Area Chamber of Commerce
10:10 Welcome and SBA Overview (5 minutes)
10:15 Small Business Counseling Panel (20 min)
SBA OMS is Panel Moderator
Each Panelist will have 3-minutes to go over their services
- Counseling
SBA OMS is Panel Moderator
Each Panelist will have 3-minutes to introduce themselves.
- GOEO Rural Programs
- WTC of Utah
- US Commercial Services
- 47 G (UAMMI)
- Cyber Initiative
10:55 Are you Lender Ready: Success Story (10 min)
11:10 Traditional Lender Panel (30 min)
- 7a and 504 Lenders
11:40 Alternative Lender Panel (20 min)
- Micro and Community Advantage
12:00 Break for Lunch – STG Area Chamber kicks of lunch and thanks any donor
12:30 Open Networking and Lender Speed Pitches
Time for attendees to open network with resource partners at their tables as well as Lender Matchmaking/Speed Pitches for those who have signed up there will be Lender Pitches in the smaller classroom.
- Small Room will have 6-8 pitches going on at a time.
- Those who attended the Are You Lender Ready virtual workshop will have priority to schedule a speed pitch and will schedule in advance. Any other open times can be scheduled day of by Roadshow attendees.
- Pitches will be time slotted for 10-minute increments.

Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
8:00 AM - 1:30 PM MDT
Atwood Innovation Plaza
453 S. 600 E.
St. George, UT 84770
No Charge For This Event