Patriot Day
The calm of a late-summer morning was shattered when coordinated terrorist attacks killed nearly 3,000 — including 412 first responders — on September 11, 2001. In the ensuing weeks and months, the people of the United States of America came together in a way not often seen.
It is that feeling of togetherness that the City of St. George, American Legion Post 90, the St. George Exchange Club, United We Pledge and many other community organizations hope to evoke during “Patriot Day: Remembering 9/11” at Historic Town Square.
This multi-day event includes:
- Patriotic program, Sept. 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Historic Town Square, featuring a bell tribute from the St. George Fire Department, children’s choirs and guest speakers. Kids activities will be available, including patriotic face painting.
- Flag retirement ceremony, Sept. 11 at Town Square, conducted by the Sons of the American Revolution and United We Pledge. This will start immediately after the patriotic program.
- Field of Heroes, from September.9 to September 11 on the Town Square lawn, a display American flags, representing first responders who perished on 9/11.
Patriot Day: Remembering 9/11 is a City of St. George event made possible by the assistance of community sponsors: Swenson & Shelley Injury Attorneys, United We Pledge, The Advenire, American Legion Post 142, Dixie High School Air Force JROTC, Barney McKenna Olmstead, Daughters of the American Revolution, the Exchange Club of St. George and Sons of the American Revolution.

Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
6:30 PM - 10:00 PM MDT
Historic Town Square