Community Educational Legislative Report - ESG
We are pleased to announce that two community meetings have been arranged to provide residents with information about the scope and growing threat of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies here in Utah and throughout most States in America.
Many of us have heard the term “ESGs” but do not understand what these guidelines are and how they will impact all of us if they are not stopped by aggressive legislation.
To quote Utah’s Congressman Chris Stewart and Treasurer Marlo Oaks in an article published in July 18, 2022 in Fox Business.
“ESG is a political score or rating system created by social and environmental activists, the United Nations, European and global interests.” “ESG is coercive capitalism, the use of capital and insurance to drive a politic agenda.”
“The solution to this rapidly developing crisis may very well require the States to exercise their rights to reign in a federal government that has declared war on its citizens.”
We are excited to announce that our State Treasurer, Marlo M. Oaks has agreed speak on this subject at both of the meetings scheduled for Thursday, May 11, 2023 at the locations and times indicated.
The meetings are for all interested residents at no charge. Please join us with your friends and come early as seating is limited.

Date and Time
Thursday May 11, 2023
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Washington City Library Community Room
220 N 300 E
Washington, UT