2023 RISE Business Summit Presented by Black Desert Resort

The St. George Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the 2023 RISE Business Summit presented by Black Desert Resort on August 31, 2023, at the Dixie Convention Center. This is Southern Utah's Premier Business Event. We will feature influential speakers from innovative companies within our community who will share cutting-edge business solutions to help you grow your business in 2023 and beyond.
Business moves at the speed of light. One of the most important things you can do is connect with successful business leaders broadening both your network and knowledge.
Presenting Sponsor: BLACK DESERT RESORT
- 2 ~ 8'X10' booth space
- Logo on all event name badges
- 1-2 minute corporate video shown at the beginning of the event
- Lunch Sponsor - 5-minute welcoming remarks at the beginning of lunch
- Full-page ad in the digital program
- Logo displayed as presenting sponsor on sponsor appreciation signage
- Company video/commercial on RISESTG.COM
- Listed as Presenting Sponsor on RISESTG.COM with logo and link to your company website
- Branding on table signage in the main stage area
- Company logo included in all email campaigns related to RISE 2023
- Company logo on sponsor appreciation slide show on the main stage
- Sponsor acknowledgment from podium and slides
- 16 registrations for the event
- 2 reserved VIP tables for the main event and meals
- 4 exhibitor tickets for the event
- 1 ~ 8'X10' booth space
- 1-2 Minute Corporate Video shown during the event
- Breakfast Sponsor - signage showing Breakfast brought to you by...
- Half-page ad in the digital program
- Logo displayed as supporting sponsor on sponsor appreciation signage
- Listed as a Supporting Sponsor on RISESTG.COM with logo and link to your company website
- Company logo included in all email campaigns related to RISE 2023
- Company logo on sponsor appreciation slide show on the main stage
- Branding on table signage in the main stage area
- Sponsor acknowledgment from podium and slides
- 8 registrations for the event
- 1 reserved VIP table for the main event and meals
- 2 exhibitor tickets for the event
- 1 ~ 8'X10' booth space
- Quarter-page ad in the digital program
- Logo displayed as a Business Sponsor on sponsor appreciation signage
- Listed as a Business Sponsor on RISESTG.COM with logo and link to your company website
- Company logo included in all email campaigns related to RISE 2023
- Company logo on sponsor appreciation slide show on the main stage
- Sponsor acknowledgment from podium and slides
- 8 registrations for the event
- Reserved table for main event and meals
- 2 exhibitor tickets for the event
- Reserved table for main event and meals
- Logo displayed as table sponsor on sponsor appreciation signage
- Listed as table sponsor on RISESTG.COM with logo
- Company logo on sponsor appreciation slide show on main stage
- Sponsor acknowledgment from podium and slides
- 8 registrations for the event
- Approximately 8'X10' booth space
- Listed as exhibitor on RISESTG.COM
- 2 exhibitor tickets for the event
- Additional registration at chamber member early bird price

Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
7:00 AM - 2:00 PM MDT
7:00 AM - Registration & Breakfast
8:00 AM - Kickoff & Speakers
9:20 AM - Masterclass Session I
10:20 AM - Masterclass Session II
11:25 AM - Lunch
11:50 AM - Lunch Panel
12:35 PM - Speakers
2:00 PM - Conclude