SGACC Christmas Open House

Join us at the Chamber Office for our annual Holly Jolly Holiday Open House!
It's not required, but if you register it makes it easier for when we order food :)
Here is the plan:
FOOD!!! Pizza from Pizza Factory (Chamber Member) and dessert from Berries-N-Cream (Chamber Member)
SANTA!! Yep! This special guest will be there to hand out gifts from Rise & Wander (Chamber Member), greet guests, and be jolly.
CAROLING!! Sunshiners in full effect. See video below.
DOOR PRIZES!! Purchased from current Chamber members and valued at $100 each, attendees will have the opportunity to win prizes from Pica Rica, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Rise & Wander, Hurst ACE Hardware, BBQ Pit Stop, and Minky Couture.
Block out the time in your calender now. Don't miss out on the jolliest Christmas Party this side of Washington County
Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MST
136 N 100 E
St. George, UT 84770